Category: News

129 Articles


Tech and Society Week – Behind the Scenes: Understanding Equity and Representation in Government Data hosted by MDI and the Beeck Center

On March 29th from 10:00 to 11:00 in Copley Formal Lounge, the McCourt School of Public Policy’s Massive Data Institute (MDI) and the Beeck Center are hosting a panel on the…

March 2, 2023


Tech and Society Week – Politics and Polling: Practices, Perceptions and Public Confidence hosted by MDI and GU Politics

On March 28th from 1:30 to 2:30pm in Copley Formal Lounge, the McCourt School of Public Policy’s Massive Data Institute (MDI) and the Institute of Politics and Public Service…

March 2, 2023

Job Posting

MDI is Hiring: MDI Scholars Summer 2023

We are pleased to announce a call for applications for the Summer 2023 cohort of the MDI Scholars Program. For full consideration, please submit your application by Wednesday,…

March 2, 2023

Featured Research

Spatial Data Toolkit – Under the Hood

Here’s a closer look at the Spatial Data Toolkit and a quick example of how it works. To provide more accurate, geocoded demographic data for a specific region, the Spatial…

February 28, 2023

Featured Research

Green Jobs and the Redistricting Problem using Spatial Data Aggregation

The Massive Data Institute’s Environmental Impact Data Collaborative is working alongside Dream.Org’s Green For All program to build an inclusive green economy and provide…

February 28, 2023

Featured Research

MDI’s Spatial Data Toolkit Critical to Identify Communities Vulnerable to Impacts of Climate Change and Environmental Injustice

As part of the Environmental Impact Data Collaborative (EIDC), the Massive Data Institute (MDI) is partnering with nonprofits including the Environmental Policy Innovation(…

February 28, 2023

University News

Event – MDI Distinguished Lecture “Using Data to Make Better Economic Policy in the 21st Century” by Karen Dynan, Ph.D.

Dr. Karen Dynan generously allowed her slides to be shared publicly. View them here. On March 23, 2023 from 3:00-4:00pm at Riggs Library, the McCourt School of Public Policy’s…

February 15, 2023


Massive Data Institute Announces Spring 2023 MDI Scholars Cohort

The Massive Data Institute (MDI) is pleased to announce our Spring 2023 MDI Scholars Cohort. The MDI Scholars program was launched in 2019 and this semester we have our biggest…

February 7, 2023

Research Award

Connecting Computer Science Undergraduates to Data Science and Public Policy

Lisa Singh, MDI Director and Professor of Computer Science, was awarded a $443K grant by the National Science Foundation to run a research experience for undergraduate students…

January 18, 2023


Spring 2023 MDI Workshops

Each semester MDI sponsors technical workshops to provide faculty, students, and staff the opportunity to be exposed to new methods, programming paradigms, and technologies.…

January 18, 2023