
Announcing “AI & Me” a new series hosted by MDI and TPP

This Spring 2024, the Massive Data Institute and the Tech & Public Policy program at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University are teaming up to host a new series entitled AI & Me. We hope you’ll join us for one or all of the upcoming sessions hosted in-person at Georgetown University’s Hilltop campus.

Series Description: While AI as a technology has been around for decades, recent advancements in generative AI models, such as those used by ChatGPT, have garnered enormous public interest and led to a global conversation about AI governance. While experts debate whether and how it should be governed on a global scale, what does AI mean for us in everyday life? 

Join a conversation with a panel of experts in technology, policy, and law to explore AI in daily life from three distinct lenses: privacy, equity, and creativity. Through the course of the series, researchers and experts will explore a range of questions, including: How do AI technologies collect and use personal data about me? How does AI impact me and my privacy practically speaking? How are different groups represented in data? How am I represented individually in data? Does the creation of new data generated using AI impact me? How might decision making AI tools performance impact me? Is my life going to change because of new advances in AI?

This event is hosted in partnership with the McCourt School of Public Policy’s Massive Data Institute and the Tech & Public Policy program.

This series is open to the public. RSVP required.

AI & Me: Privacy and Data

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Copley Formal Lounge
The panel discussion will be followed by a reception with the panelists.
Announcement of Speakers:

AI & Me: Equity and Representation

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Social Room of the Healey Family Student Center
The panel discussion will be followed by a reception with the panelists.
Announcement of Speakers:

AI & Me: Creativity and Content

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Copley Formal Lounge
The panel discussion will be followed by a reception with the panelists.
Additional information:
This closing panel of the series will occur during Tech & Society Week.

About the Massive Data Institute (MDI): At Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy, the Massive Data Institute (MDI) is an interdisciplinary research institute that connects experts across computer science, data science, public health, public policy, and social science to tackle societal scale issues and impact public policy in ways that improves people’s lives through responsible evidence-based research. For more information on MDI, please visit

About the Tech & Public Policy program: The Tech & Public Policy program at the McCourt School of Public Policy works to shape technology’s promise for a better world. Tech & Public Policy catalyzes cross-disciplinary research, supports emerging leaders, and convenes experts and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities posed by our ever-evolving digital society. Learn more: 

AI & Me
TPP Collaboration