
Current Openings

MDI System Administrator

The MDI System Administrator develops and supports the Massive Data Institute and faculty to set up and maintain big data infrastructure components.


Post Doctoral Associate

The Massive Data Institute and the Department of Health Management and Policy seek a postdoctoral Fellow with research interests in the intersection of public health and big data. 


MDI Software Developer

The MDI Software Developer engages in research, development, and implementation of secure and private distributed protocols at the Massive Data Institute.


Post Doctoral Associate

The Massive Data Institute and the McCourt School of Public Policy seek a postdoctoral fellow with research interests at the intersection of social media, generative AI, computational methods, and politics.


Current GU Student Opportunities

Summer 2024 Scholar

The MDI Scholars program is an experiential learning opportunity for undergraduate and Master’s students to work on interdisciplinary research projects with professors and practitioners.


MDI-ISIM Forced Migration Scholars

The 2024-2025 cohort will work with researchers and practitioners on an interdisciplinary forced migration project that works to improve our understanding of international migration flows from South and Central America to the US and Canadian border.
